'Tis the Season to Be Thankful and Be Extra Careful
'Tis the Season to Be Thankful and Be Extra Careful
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and who would have thought Covid-19 will still be lurking on us. The past months have not been easy, and I know what you're thinking - you deserve to celebrate Thanksgiving. Of course, you do, but after months of taking extra, extra care, this special day is not an exception. Below are our tips on preparing this one of a kind (not in a good way), holiday.
- Prepare in Advance. This will eliminate cramming and joining the big crowd in the malls and supermarkets at the last minute. At least you can prepare your menu and still have the time to make necessary adjustments.
- Virtual Events are the Current Trend. I know it's essential to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family and friends, but if being with them personally can have the chance of covid 19 transmissions, I don't think it is worth it. Luckily, we have a second option, a safer one. We can spend time with our loved ones virtually. Using our gadgets, we can eat together, watch football simultaneously, and do your tradition of saying things you are thankful for this year.
- Choose your Guests Wisely and Keep the List Short. Avoid inviting people you know are at risk. They are either staying in places with a high number of covid cases, working in healthcare, other services that require being in close contact with people, and working in crowded areas. If they are either one of the mentioned situations, there's always option number two, Zoom them.
- Buy Everything Online, Especially Gifts. This is the safest because you don't have to go out, visit different stores, and touch many items. All you need to do is use your phone and visit Riley's Way's social media pages and website, www.rileyway.com, and check their items for the perfect gifts this holiday. Below are our suggestions that we are sure your loved ones will like to help you a little.
- Facemask. We always need facemasks for months now and the days to come. You will be sure that your gift will be used. This is best paired with the hand sanitizer to complete the covid prevention starter pack for your family and friends.
- T-shirt. You can never go wrong with t-shirts as a gift, just know their size, and that's it because you don't have to worry about the comfort and style of Riley's Way. Their shirts are made of 100% preshrunk cotton, and they have a lot of unique designs to choose from.
- Hoodies/Sweatshirt. Winter is coming, always. Give them something to cozy up so they can use it every cold season, something that will last long. Worry no more because Riley's Way cotton quality lasts longer than any other material.
- Infant and Toddler Accessories. Be the best mom, aunt, dad, or uncle this coming Thanksgiving by giving the little ones something they will use for a long time. All the materials used to make Riley's Way's products are safe, even for newborn babies. Again, to get these products, visit www.rileyway.com.
This may be the most challenging year we suffered together as a country or even the entire world, but it is vital to look for the light that can motivate us to keep going in the middle of all the negativity. We hope this coming Thanksgiving, we find that strength in each other, and we never forget to give thanks with a grateful heart.