Parents can breathe with relief as we cheer along with our children, “Halloween isn’t cancelled!” From last year's ban on trick or treating to enforced curfews, Halloween 2020 was far from normal. Despite the COVID-19 hospitalization rise, this season is looking a little less scary and trick or treating is definitely on the table, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and local health experts.
Many communities are excited to maintain their Halloween traditions by hosting designated trick-or-treating nights or outdoor gatherings like Trunk-or-Treat, while remembering to keep hand sanitizer close by. For those giving out candy, it’s suggested that people stay outside and pass out goodies to kids individually. If you are celebrating indoors, they suggest letting in fresh air by opening windows and doors, if possible.
Here are a few more tips to safely trick-or-treat this Halloween season:
Tips For Trick-Or-Treaters
• Stay home if you or your child feels sick, has symptoms of COVID-19 or is at high risk of complications.
• Trick-or-treaters are advised to wear face coverings as recommended by the CDC.
• Maintain social distance of at least six feet from other groups. Avoid large parties, or gatherings.
• Wash your hands when finished trick-or-treating or before eating candy. Take only wrapped candy or treats.
Tips For Treat Givers
• Designate one person per household to hand out candy.
• Wear a face mask and put it on before opening the door and make sure the mask completely covers your nose and mouth.
• Put treats in individual bags and lay them out instead of putting them in a large bowl.
• Provide hand sanitizer for trick-or-treaters and wash your hands frequently. Depending on where you live, Halloween might look a little different this year and may include celebrations like outdoor festivals, physically-distanced trick-or-treating or more local celebrations, but as long as you remember these safe trick-or-treating tips, Halloween can be enjoyed by you and your Natural Hair Beauty.